Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Episode 19: Gaffi Stick a/k/a Gaderffii

Today we dive into another one of the wonderful weapons of the Star Wars universe. We've talked about the Bowcaster, the Light Whip, so naturally it's time to discuss the multi-purpose Gaffi Stick! But what are the purposes? We never see the full potential when the Tusken Raiders attack Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. Also.... WTF is a GADERFFII!?

There's a lot to learn in this episode, and weapons are quickly becoming my favorite category for discussion.

Download Episode 19 - Gaffi Stick a/k/a Gaderffii
The gaderffii, or gaffi stick, was the traditional melee weapon of the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. It was a pole weapon with a spike or blade on one end and some kind of bludgeoning instrument on the other.

Note: the technical terms above: "some kind of bludgeoning instrument".

See you next week!

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