Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Episode 32: Sandcrawler

We're on a roll with oversized things in the Star Wars universe. You might say it's a slow roll. About as slow as the SANDCRAWLER crawling through the Tatooine desert.

Yes, today we discuss the mother of all land-based Star Wars vehicles.... the Sandcrawler! And probably more specifically, the Corellia Mining Corporation Digger Crawler. We get into the logistics of this thing, what's inside and what's making it run. The how's and why's and everything else.

Sandcrawlers were large, slow, treaded vehicles, used as self propelled bases for mining squads. Most notable example of usage of these vessels, later adapted by Jawas for their mobile homes, was on Tatooine, where bulky sandcrawlers climbing the dunes were a common sight.

A question for our listeners. WTF was on the side of McQuarrie's Sandcrawler? A turret? A sidecar?


2014 (Big difference)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Episode 31: Space Slug

You know exactly who we are talking about in this episode. No it's not Jabba the Hutt.... it's the nearly asteroid sized creature that almost cuts the Empire Strikes Back short by a good hour. It's the Space Slug, also known as Exogorth... and it is massive. So massive that the Millennium Falcon can fit between two of it's teeth. Is there more to the mysterious Space Slug than meets the eye? We shall see!

This is also the final episode in our Mike Matecha trilogy. Thanks Mike! Come back again sometime!

Space slugs, or giant space slugs, were immense lifeforms known to live in the Outer Rim Territories. At least one space slug resided in an asteroid near the planet Hoth.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Episode 30: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

In this episode Mike Matecha joins us again as we look at the Double-Bladed Lightsaber, as made popular by Darth Maul. We look at it's practicality, and discuss other Double-Bladed Lightsabers in the Star Wars Universe. We also discuss the color red and why it is always evil (THERE IS ACTUALLY A REASON!).

The double-bladed lightsaber—also called a Saberstaff, Lightsaber Lance, Doublesaber, Dualsaber, Lightstaff, or the Sith lightsaber, was a specialized type of lightsaber that consisted of a single hilt with a beam emitter at both ends, resulting in a weapon that was wielded in a similar manner to a traditional quarterstaff. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Episode 29: Krayt Dragon

Today's episode is the Krayt Dragon, our first podcast subject that only appears on screen after it has already died. (I think, you can feel free to call me out on that.) The Krayt Dragon is seen as a skeleton  in C3P0 and R2D2's first Tatooine scenes in A New Hope. But OF COURSE there is more to say about the dragon. And most of it is a big letdown. It's short and squat and kind of like a fat lizard. But we have much more to say about it.

We also have a new special guest host on this episode. It's Mike Matecha, our good friend and fan of the show!

The krayt dragon was a large carnivorous reptile native to Tatooine.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

StarWTF!? Is On Patreon.... With Bonus Episodes!

As part of the Fruitless Pursuits Podcast Network, we are happy to be part of their Patreon campaign. If you're unfamiliar with Patron, it's a crowd funding service for creators where supporters can help them via monthly subscriptions. If subscribers give $5 or more per month, it helps us all in a big way and in return patrons receive exclusive podcasts from StarWTF!?, The Book Was Better, FP Cast and ScarJo-A-Go-Go. 

The first exclusive podcast from us is called Super Secret Bonus Episode #1 and it's a romp through Wookieepedia where we challenge each other on article titles such as Dewy Gigglebuds, Untos Poquot and Kon'me. It's similar to our game show segments, but much more conversational. 

We'll be doing more of these to reward our patrons as we go. It's a lot of fun and hopefully a fun way to reward our supporters. 

Check it out!